Sunday 18 November 2012

Fairy garlands

A friend of ours had her 4th birthday this week. I was tasked with making the fairy garlands. They seem to have been a great success.

The Christmas fair season!

Every year the Christmas fair season sneaks up on me, I am not sure how it happens but it always does!

This year I thought I was extra prepared and then stuff started to sell out..... I guess I am making more stuff before the next one!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

so many scarfs......

so many loopy scarfs.....

As i am sure it is for many people that have small home based business' and/or cottage industry type business' the 6-8 weeks before Christmas is busy!!  There is only so much you can prepare in advance of this as often gift giving trends change and if you start too far in advance you can find yourself left with a large stock of last years products that no one really wants.... that would not be good!

These scarfs above are fun to make and last year I had made a couple for gifts and then only two for the first christmas fair. They both sold very quickly so this year i have decided to make a lot more and already have 3 of them reserved for people to collect on the day.  It is great when such a fun to make product goes quickly....... that means i can make more!!

some other fun things i am working on are hair clips, rings, hair clip holders..... well, maybe i shouldn't tell you all of the things as i am sure i will start taking photo's and put more up soon!